Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Lagos Area Boys

12:33:00 AM

The Lagos Area Boys The lagos area boys is real . It is not a myth.You have to experience it to know it for real and to swear by it.If you've not encountred them stories about them would sound like a tale from far country.This reporter had a first hand encounter to testify that the dangers of this miscreants is real and a very present danger to the wellbeing of the people.I went to the domolished site of Oshodi to take pictures of the new state of the site only to fall prey to the vicious clutches of these terrors.For the clear headedness ,fast thinking and most importantly the divine presence of God Iwould have bieng instantly linched by terrors that fly by day and by night in Lagos called areaboys.It is no wonder therfore that the governor Raji Fashola is leaving no stone untouched to clean lagos of all the thrash in all the nooks and creavices. We all need to join materials and rosources with him to do this job well.Attavhed is the frigtened vioice of this reporter in a getaway still trying to take pictures fruitlessly.It was a scary experience with the terrors throwing stones after me .All along the oshodi area the boys are everywhere on the alert for action.

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It is a new dawn for Lagos state.The shanties are fast disappearing.The slum dwellings are no longer hugging the roads.This is a relief for motorists.What e now have are tree lined avenues in the making.POWER HOLDING !They are no respecter of persons.They are a leveler.They have reduced every one to dehumanising level.A stranger from Europe arriving Nigeria at night would think that he had time travelled to the dark age of the prehistoric times.Thanks to our Governor Fashola's effort the roads are no longer shrouded in pitch darkness.The roads are so well lite at night that couples can venture to have a romantic walk on the paved well lite roads.